Lacklustre film has outstanding performances from the entire cast, but fails to engage for the full 100 minutes.
One major problem is the music, composer Jóhann Jóhannsson has created a slow orchestral score and while musically “nice” it really helps accentuate how slow the pace of the film is. The script itself is already slow-paced and this score doesn’t help create atmosphere or pace.
The casting is superb Emily Blunt (who is surprisingly sidelined for a lot of the film) is fantastic – though she does make a strange transition from hero to victim. Benicio del Toro (who is now getting his own spin-off film) was equally as good, but Josh Brolin really stole the screen offering another outstanding performance.
Overall this film’s flaw is its pace – billed as an action/suspense movie, people will be disappointed. Though it does boast wonderful performances from an outstanding cast.
2.5 Stars
Review by Benjamin Maio Mackay
Screening courtesy of Palace Nova Cinemas