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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin Maio Mackay

Fury - 5 Stars

This superb war movie has an astonishingly brilliant cast, a fantastic script and wonderful cinematography!

The film is set during the last month of the European Theatreof war during World War II in April 1945. As the Allies make their final push into Nazi Germany a battle-hardened US Army Staff Sergeant in the 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Devision named Don "Wardaddy" Collier commands an M4A3E8 Sherman tank called Fury and its five-man, all-veteran crew, consisting of Boyd "Bible" Swan, gunner, Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis, loader and Trini "Gordo" Garcia , driver. After losing the assistant driver/bow gunner in battle, he gets a recently enlisted typist, Norman Ellison, as a replacement.

Everything about this war movie was perfect; from the hard characterisations of army members, to ruthless killings of Nazi soldiers and the way members of the army behaved in a foreign country. While this movie is sublime one thing to note is that people with weak dispositions may struggle to watch this film. It is filled with graphic and often horrific depictions of war violence. The film-makers decide to show absolutely everything about the war and while horrific it only makes the film more powerful.

All 5 leading members of the cast give outstanding performances and Brad Pitt really does lead the cast in the superb film. There is nothing about the film to criticize and the writing, directing, cinematography and score all add to this horrific picture of WWII.

Overall this is a superb picture, which is designed to alter how we look at war and especially at war heroes. This is certainly a title you can expect to see crop up at the Oscars this year!

5 Stars

Review by Benjamin Maio Mackay

Screening curtesy of Palace Nova Cinemas

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